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The Fastest Way To Succeed In Sales

“Imagine You - A High Ticket Sales Pro™”

Finally Master The Essential Skills and Advanced Strategies To Enable You Sell Anything!

The High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ is our Flagship Program...

Designed To Help Service Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Consultants, Master High Ticket Closing Skills Within 90 days or less.

In today's dynamic world of entrepreneurship, business owners are constantly on the lookout for strategies that can propel their business to new heights.

One such strategy that has gained immense prominence in recent years is high ticket sales.

With High Ticket Products and Services You Get to Enjoy Improved Profit Margins...

You see, selling high ticket items often translates into better profit margins. This allows you as the business owner to enjoy higher markups and increased profitability, as customers are willing to pay a premium for exceptional value.

As a business owner you scale much faster if you are able to charge high ticket prices for your services and able to close the sale easily.

That’s why many coaches, consultants and service entrepreneurs who have gone through high Ticket sales program have rapidly increased their incomes... and when you add up their combined revenue they have…

Over $1.2 Million Dollars In Proven Revenue, and more...

Learn To Sell High Ticket Products And Services And Everything You Could Ever Want Can Be Yours...

When you learn to sell high ticket offers…

  • You can create income on demand, simply by closing more deals and double your cash flow in a few months instead of toiling for years...

  • ​You can make life easier for yourself and those you care about, hire more staff and get better equipment, perhaps even go for a vacation - simply by closing more deals.

  • You can land - and work with - the best clients in the industry who are easy to work with, refer their friends, and happily pay your fees in full and on time.

  • ​You can have a greater impact on the world and literally control your own destiny...

That's why...

Being A High Ticket Sales Pro Is The Fastest Way To Succeed In Today's Business World...

This is because the world of entrepreneurship is changing fast...

As we move further into the post pandemic world, new technology and trends such as AI, Quantum Computing, Virtual Rality and the many other breakthroughs are moving at such a rapid pace that buyers' psychology is shifting. Customers have thus become immune to the “traditional” way of selling.

As an Entrepreneur you must adapt to these new changes or risk falling into financial difficulty...

That’s why you need a brand new art and science for closing bigger deals faster, without crashing into the usual roadblocks most business owners experience.

But first, let me introduce you to just 3 of the entrepreneurs - coach, consultant and sales professional whose lives and businesses have been transformed because of our High Ticket Closing skills…

Before learning High Ticket Closing Skills, Coach Murielle was struggling to make ends meet as a Relationship Coach … But, shortly after gaining the High Ticket Sales Skills her confidence soared and she doubled her prices and this transformed her life...

Another student, Yon Valverde, a B2B Consultant expanded his consulting business and increased his ticket size substantially and tripled his business income...

Today we'd like to invite you to join them.

Another client, Balvinder Singh, a nerdy sales professional went from dreading sales to being a top performer in the company he's was working for... now closing tens of thousands worth of online educational products.

"Coach Gerald, ever since he has started helping me, I have been taking actions that I would never have taken if he was not there. I have taken opportunities closing gigs that I would not have even attempted to apply for, if he was not there. And, I have been working on small and big roadblocks that I faced, whether it is about my psychology, it is about my mindset, it is about my skills, it is about putting myself out into the marketplace, every area Coach Gerald has been helping me out."

Balvinder Singh

~High Ticket Expert, Punjab, India

I now invite you to learn the very same skill these professionals have mastered...


The reason our High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program gets such great results for coaches, consultants, business owners and sales professionals like you is because… it's different from other training program you’ve ever taken.

That's because, unlike most courses you’ve invested in for yourself …

The High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program Bridges The Gap Between Information and Results… Or What We Call: The “Knowledge - Skill Gap”

What does this mean?

In simple terms, we believe that 3Cs are the Essential Elements required to master any new skill:

Coaching, Community, and Consistency.

If you’ve ever bought a training program that didn't work for you … it’s probably because one or more of these elements were missing.

Which means… you probably learned a lot about various topics … but you never got the results you were looking for.

That’s because results come from “doing” not “learning”.

The thing is... most courses don't give you the opportunity to practice the new skills you are developing in a safe environment with the feedback you need to master the new skills, with dedicated coaches.

And that's not all... many courses have not even built in strategies to ensure that you are hitting your learning and practice goals consistently!

They literally leave you on your own! They don’t hold your hand while you actually DO it.

In essence, you are on your own without a community to support you through the process of growth.

Knowing these shortcomings, we designed our program differently with you in mind!

And that’s why our High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program emphasizes doing over learning...

We help you bridge the “learning/doing gap” in three PROVEN ways:

  • We’ll Coach and Mentor you: You'll have access to 3 experts. Dr. Gerald Amandu and Coach Shilpa Joshi and High Ticket Expert Eric Buechli, will work with you through out the 90 days of your program. We'll help you master the core skills you need to build your dream business.

  • We'll plug you into a Community: You'll be added to an exclusive community of like-minded business owners, coaches, consultants and service professionals who will support you, role play with you, and celebrate your wins as you move through the 90-day program and beyond.

  • We'll take you through our world-class Curriculum: We'll take you through our signature 12-Module High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Curriculum where we'll show you the secrets top Sales professionals and entrepreneurs have used to close millions of dollars worth of products and services.

    Literally... its like getting a Masters Degree in Sales!


When you combine the 3 Cs of Coaching, Community, and Consistency you will quickly MASTER the key lessons, strategies, and skills that will transform you into a High Ticket Sales Pro so you can create the life and business you have always wanted.

Let me assure you…

The 3 Cs - Coaching, Community, and Consistency model of training works...

  • It works, even if you're completely new to coaching, consulting and business...

  • It works, regardless of where you live in the world... we've got students from around the world...

  • It works, no matter what products or services you sell...our students sell everything from products to coaching and consulting services to personal training...

  • And it works FAST - the transformation you’re looking for can literally happen in 90 days or less…


Great question.

Here’s the answer:

It Doesn't Matter If Your Are New To Business or Sales, With Our

High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program...

  • You’ll discover unique ways to master your inner-self and have the clarity to accelerate your business without feeling overwhelmed.

  • You’ll develop the winning High Ticket Sales Pro™ attitude that is critical for your success as a business owner if you are to scale.

  • You’ll breakthrough any selling limitations and dominate your niche, and you'll become the go to expert in your product niche area.

  • You’ll learn to develop high ticket products and services that your clients are ready to buy, and this will help you scale fast.

  • You’ll learn to sell your high ticket offers without being pushy you’ll learn to just ask a series of questions we'll teach you.

  • You’ll learn to sell your high ticket offer without being pushy or sleazy – in fact, most of the time you’ll just ask a series of questions that we'll teach you.. and people will actually “ask” to buy (without you needing to to push them).

  • You’ll start to feel unstoppable and start looking for opportunities to sell your products and services without feeling awkward.

  • You’ll learn the tightly held secrets that successful business owners have used for years to rapidly grow their business.

Just think, with this new skills sets, you'll...

  • Improve the way you operate your business - even if you are just a beginner...

  • Sell more easily than your competitors, at competitive rates even with less leads or customers...

  • Double, even triple your profits without sacrificing your integrity or feeling burnt out...

  • ​​Enjoy the freedom, the luxuries, your new Entrepreneur lifestyle offers you...

    Plus much more...

Introducing The 12-Module

High Ticket Sales Accelerator Program

Tailor-Made For You.

Here's Everything You'll Get To Become

A High Ticket Sales Pro In the Next 90-Days!

Module 1: Self-Rediscovery Bootcamp for Accelerated Sales

In this transformative module, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery tailored specifically for accelerated sales success.

Uncover your unique strengths, identify areas for improvement, and learn how to leverage your personal qualities to skyrocket your sales performance.

Through intensive exercises and personalized coaching, you'll gain the confidence and clarity needed to excel in high ticket sales.

Module 2: The High Ticket Mindset and Your Million Dollar Persona

Here, you'll dive deep into cultivating the mindset of a high-performing sales professional and crafting your million-dollar persona.

Explore the beliefs, attitudes, and habits of top earners in the industry, and adopt strategies to align your mindset with unparalleled success.

Develop a compelling persona that resonates with high-ticket clients, positioning yourself as a trusted advisor and deal closer.

Module 3: The Secret Psychology of High Ticket Closing Success

Unlock the secrets of high ticket closing success by understanding the intricate psychology behind buyer decision-making.

Learn how to tap into the subconscious triggers that drive purchase decisions, and master the art of influencing buyer behavior.

With this knowledge, you'll gain a competitive edge in closing high-ticket deals with finesse and effectiveness.

Module 4: How to Close Anyone Anytime Anywhere with Finesse

In this module, you'll hone your closing skills to perfection.

Discover proven techniques for closing deals seamlessly, whether you're facing objections, negotiating terms, or sealing the deal in crucial moments.

Develop the finesse and confidence to close anyone, anytime, anywhere, turning prospects into satisfied clients and loyal customers.

Module 5: Power Persuasion and Psychological Tactics for High Ticket Sales

Delve into the realm of power persuasion and psychological tactics designed specifically for high ticket sales.

Master the art of persuasive communication, influence techniques, and rapport-building strategies that resonate with high-value clients.

Learn how to craft compelling sales narratives and tailor your approach to each client's unique needs, driving conversions and revenue growth.

Module 6: Kungfu Master Objection Handling Techniques for Effortless Selling

Equip yourself with kungfu-like objection handling techniques for effortless selling. Anticipate and overcome objections with grace and agility, turning challenges into opportunities for closing deals.

Learn how to address objections proactively, build trust, and guide prospects toward a positive buying decision, ensuring a smooth and successful sales process.

Module 7: Leveraging Social Media To Engage Buyers and Close More Deals Faster

Harness the power of social media to amplify your sales efforts and accelerate deal closures.

Discover advanced strategies for engaging high-ticket buyers on social platforms, building relationships, and nurturing leads through strategic content and engagement tactics.

Leverage social media as a powerful tool for prospecting, networking, and driving conversions, unlocking new opportunities for sales success.

Module 8: Techniques and Strategies for First Contact Mastery for Organic Success

Master the art of making a great first impression and forging meaningful connections with potential clients.

Explore techniques and strategies for effective first contact, including personalized outreach, compelling messaging, and relationship-building approaches.

Learn how to create a memorable impact from the first interaction, paving the way for organic success and long-term client relationships.

Module 9: Advanced High Ticket Sales Techniques: Traits and Habits of Elite Closers

Dive into the advanced techniques, traits, and habits that define elite closers in high ticket sales.

Learn from the best in the industry as you uncover insider strategies for handling complex deals, managing objections, and consistently exceeding sales targets.

Develop the mindset and skills of an elite closer, positioning yourself as a top performer in the competitive world of high ticket sales.

Module 10: Advanced High Ticket Techniques: Outreach Strategies for Full Pipelines

Explore advanced outreach strategies designed to fill your pipeline with high-quality leads and opportunities.

Discover proven tactics for prospecting, lead generation, and nurturing relationships at scale.

Learn how to leverage automation, technology, and targeted outreach campaigns to maintain a full pipeline of qualified prospects, ensuring continuous growth and sales success.

Module 11: Advanced High Closing Sales Techniques: Turning Your Words into Income

Master the art of turning your words into income with advanced high closing sales techniques. Deepen your understanding of persuasive communication, negotiation tactics, and value proposition delivery.

Learn how to craft compelling sales presentations, handle objections with finesse, and guide prospects through the buying journey to achieve consistent revenue generation and business growth.

Module 12: Millionaire's Secrets of Becoming a Successful High Ticket Entrepreneur

In this final module, unlock the millionaire's secrets to becoming a successful high ticket entrepreneur.

Gain insights into strategic business planning, financial management, and scaling your sales operations for long-term success.

Learn from real-world success stories and proven strategies that empower you to build a thriving high ticket sales business and achieve financial freedom.

Join the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program today

and embark on a transformative journey toward unparalleled sales success!

Plus, You Also Get Our "Iron Clad" Program Support....
Which Includes...

The Iron Clad Triple Accountability Program

(Value $1,200)

You will receive robust support designed to enhance your chances of success through three key components:

A. Mentoring: You'll receive direct mentorship and coaching from me, Dr. Gerald and Coach Shilpa. We'll provide you the needed content, guidance, expertise advice, and motivation to stay on tract with your goals.

B. Success Advisor: Besides coaching, our High Ticket Expert Eric will be your Success Advisor. He will play a complementary role to ensure you are following the roadmap we've designed for you by offering you practical tips and strategies to help guide you towards success.

C. Peer Accountability: We'll also assign you an Accountability Partner who will hold you accountable as you master each module, actively engaging in role plays and practice exercises. Every day, you'll share your progress, challenges, and feedback through a daily 10 minutes session. This is a very tested way to keep you committed to becoming a successful High Ticket Sales Accelerator™

Exclusive Access to Underground Platform, 24/7

(Value $800)

This is a safe and supportive environment where you’ll put what you learn into practice alongside students enrolled in the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ program.

In this platform, you get to practice various skills with fellow students from around the world at whatever time zone suits you.

Imagine how quickly you'll master the essentials skills required to become a High Ticket Entrepreneur™

Exclusive Access To The HTSA Private Members Group

(Value $600)

In our private members group of fellow entrepreneurs, you’ll feel more inspired, motivated, and UNSTOPPABLE as you master essential elements of entrepreneurship.

In this safe place, you'll get to interact with like-minded people who are on the same journey as you are.

Here's where you can post questions in between classes and share your success stories so we celebrate your wins.

You Also Get These Incredible “Fast-Action” Bonuses Worth $997.00 When You Enroll Now...

Bonus #1:

Recording of Actual Outreach and Sales Calls

With the permission of our prospects, these calls were recorded to capture events during a real outreach call and closing calls using the High Ticket Sales technique you'll learn in our High Ticket Entrepreneur™ program. These calls will inspire you and show you what’s possible.

You’ll hear real deals being done using our proven High Ticket Sales Methodology.

These real sales conversations, will give you a deeper insights into how to close high ticket sales.

Total Value: Priceless

Bonus #2:

The Consultative High Ticket Sales Script

Access a powerful sales script for consultative high ticket selling.

Total Value: Priceless

Need Help? Email us at connect@theimpactvalley.com


Secure Checkout

High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program

Here's what you'll get:

  • Live Virtual 90-Day High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Curriculum and Direct mentorship With Dr. Gerald & Coach Shilpa (Value: $13,000)

    You’ll be mentored personally through the 9 power-packed modules of the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ curriculum. You’ll discover proven strategies to transform from low to high ticket space.

  • Iron Clad Triple Accountability Program (Value: $1,200)

    You'll receive rock solid support from your Mentors, Success Advisor and fellow High Ticket Entrepreneurs.

  • Exclusive Access to Underground Platform, 24/7 (Value: $800)

    Practice and master various skills with fellow students from around the world at whatever time zone suits you.

  • Exclusive Access To The Private Members Group (Value: $600)

    Get to interact with like-minded people who are on the same journey as you are.

    and post questions in between classes.

Plus, You Also Get 4 Other Bonuses...

  • The 6 Steps To 6 Figure Offer Formula™ ( Value: $997)

    This "Formula™" will give you the proven roadmap to craft compelling offers that are not only compelling but keep your clients asking for more!

  • ​​​The 30-Day Leadership Essentials™ Program (Value: $997)

    Learn to become a more influential, and inspiring leader, ready to drive your entrepreneurial vision forward.

  • Recording of Actual Sales Calls (Value: Priceless)

    Listen to real deals being closed using our proven High Ticket Sales™ Methodology and gain the skills too.

  • The Consultative High Ticket Sales Script (Value: Priceless)

    Access a powerful sales script for consultative high ticket selling.

And, You'll Also Get...

  • ​High Ticket Sales Accelerator® Certificate (Value: $100)

    Upon successfully completing this program, you'll receive a digital version of your certificate for you to proudly display in your office, on your website or even on your social media pages.



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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a guarantee that this will work for me and make me become successful?

That depends. High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program is a skill. And like any skill, you can master it.

But to master the vital skills of high-ticket entrepreneurship you need a program.   You need someone to guide you and teach you what you don’t know. And you need someone to hold you accountable or, chances are, you’ll abandon the program before you get the necessary skills and master the priceless lessons.

That’s why we have direct live sessions with you, besides setting you up with a success advisor and an accountability partner to make sure you finish the program and master the various skill of Entrepreneurship.  

No one else does this. No one else gives this level of training and this type of hands-on help.   That’s why if you put in the work, you’ll get the results.

So… I truly believe if you follow the steps, work with your mentors, your Success Advisor , participate in the community, and implement the content we cover in the curriculum you WILL become a successful high ticket sales pro.

But ultimately, you need to make the effort.

If so, why not join our program now?

Why Do I Need Mentors, Success Advisor and Accountability Partner? Why can't I learn on my own?

Great question. But let me ask you this: What brought you to this page? My guess is you are not happy with your business income. You might already have a business and experiencing low sales or you have trouble converting high paying clients.

This means there is a skill gap. My 20 plus years in coaching and higher education has helped me conclude that learning needs to be supported especially where people need to be transformed. That's why you have the mentors to deliver you the curriculum content, while the success advisor will ensure that you are on track and the accountability partner will help you to remain engaged and role play regularly to ensure you master key skills in the program.

And that’s why our triple iron clad accountability system ensures that you succeed..

If you agree, why not join the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program now?

How is the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program different from other “Business Training" programs?

There are 4 ways we are different.

First, most standard training programs are based on techniques that worked 10 or 20 years ago but don’t work today. The old way is based on pushing the prospect to buy your product with questions that force them into a corner where they feel they cannot say no. The problem with those traditional techniques is they make the prospect feel manipulated, so they don’t buy. Or they buy then cancel. That’s not the end result we are after; we want client that say with us and so do you…

Second, most programs are based on creating a product and pushing it onto everyone in your contacts. If you think that that is the right way to go, do so at your own risk. We know how to proceed once you have your product.

Third, speaking of your product, most courses out there teach you how to create low end products that are cheap, relying on you to sell to hundreds or even thousands of people, which is borderline insanity. We prefer to operate on high ticket landscape where you don’t need many clients to earn decent income…

Fourth, you need to know how to package your packages into offers that are a no brainer. In our experience, this is the most difficult part… but we have discovered how to make your offer irresistible…

In essence, this program is designed to teach you how to sell premium products or services to a select customer base willing to invest more in exchange for higher quality or exclusive benefits. This will enable you to enjoy higher profit margins on each sale, which compensates for a smaller customer base. A key aspect of this program is that it will show you how to employ personalized, consultative sales approaches and invest in building strong relationships with clients.

If you want to move away from selling small ticket products, why not join the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program?

I’ve bought many courses and programs. A lot of them made promises but didn’t deliver. Why will this be different?

Great question. The fact is, we have testimonials from happy graduates whose lives have changed as a direct result of the techniques that you will learn in the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program.

A key difference you will notice straight away is that we that besides our world class curriculum, you'll also get direct access to two mentors me, Dr. Gerald Amandu, a High Ticket Business and Leadership Transformation Coach, and my business partner, Coach Shilpa Joshi, a High Ticket Expert and Holistic Coach, LIVE for 90 days of the ENTIRE program!

And that's not all, you also get additional support that you won’t find in other programs… (3 points actually)...

You get a dedicated Success Advisor, Eric Buechli, a High Ticket Expert, who will work one on one with you for the entire 90 days as you complete the curriculum under the guidance of your two mentors. Your Success Advisor will keep you focused ensuring that you hit all the key milestones in the program.

You get Exclusive Access to a Private Community of like minded people who like you are also pursuing the same goal of becoming a High Ticket Entrepreneur. This community will make you feel at home and will support, encourage and motivate you to accelerate your journey of transformation from low or mid ticket to the cherished high ticket landscape.

• You get all the untold secrets of the High Ticket business included in our world class curriculum which we deliver LIVE where we literally tell you everything we know about high ticket business... principles, strategies, techniques, mindset...nothing is held back!

All this is designed to make sure that our program is radically different from others that let you down in the past.

Have I answered your question? If yes, why not jump on board and start your journey to becoming a High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ now?

I'm not sure I can afford this right now in a single payment of $999!

We understand that affordability is a concern. We offer flexible payment options, including installment payment plans which can make our high-ticket offering more manageable for you.

It's about making this investment fit your budget. When you choose the monthly option you have up to 3 months to pay your fees for the program.

Now that you know that you could pay for this program in 3 monthly instalments, why not click the “buy button” on this page and commit to transforming into a High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program now.

I tried to sell my services for higher prices but lost clients when I increased my fees. Will this help me?

This is genuine question.

I understand you might be nervous about charging more (if that’s your goal). Especially if you tried and failed in the past. But don't be.

Here’s why. We'll work with you to explore the reasons you lost customers in the past. While price may be an important factor, there are several other considerations you'll learn when you enroll in the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program.

As your mentor and coach, we'll help you pinpoint why people don't buy your high ticket offers and help you overcome those obstacles.

Just look at all the testimonials on this page. All these people can't be wrong. The program works if you follow it. Why not join now?

You said the program will be LIVE. Can I go back and review the program anytime?

The answer is a resounding "Yes".

When you attend each module with us, LIVE, our team will process the recording and make it available to you in a few days. You will have complete, life-time access to the session recordings . You can review these anytime in your members area in the ImpactValley Learning Management System.

Now that I have answered your questions, I look forward to knowing you more inside the program.

Being in the High Ticket Sales Accelerator™ Program is all about action. Look at how people just like you are transforming their Lives!

Here's A Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Experience with Your Mentors Coach Shilpa and Coach Gerald!

Hey Coach Shilpa, I just want to give you an update on my progressions. I finally hit my M-T-O goals since I’ve been on this journey with you and your guidance. Since the last two months, I am consistently hitting my financial targets with 5 figures income! Also, I just want to thank you again for your superb coaching sessions to lead the professionals to next-level success! You are such an Amazing Coach and I am grateful to You and I Appreciate your efforts and suitable solutions!


It was nice to have words with Shilpa ma’am, she took a lot of effort and patience to understand my problem and describe the same easily in one sentence with valuable advice. What I like most about her session is that she understands my problem and emphasis changing me to come out of the recurring event. She suggested that switching job, again and again, is not a solution first I would like to work on myself to be clear about what I’m looking for before finding the right opportunity.


It's been a great pleasure and an opportunity to learn the skills of right closing in unique manner by Shilpa ma'am.Under her guidance and innovative ideas in handling objections were very useful and thus strengthening the SHA infotech in manifold ways.

I really appreciate her as a patient person which makes other to learn comfortably the skills a person should actually have while closing. Once again a big thank to her for her guidance and sincere efforts which she had tried to put in our whole team of SHA.

Avneet k

I would recommend Gerald to anyone who wants to find the best version of himself as a professional and personal coach. I had Gerald as my coach for the last two years to help me get back on track with my business. He did this by helping me understand what my goals were and how he could help me achieve them. His approach was very professional, in that he listened carefully to what I had to say before offering his own thoughts or opinion. He also offered some very practical tips and strategies for me to use in my business. I found his approach refreshingly different from other coaches out there as he was not trying to sell me anything or push me into buying anything. He just wanted to help me find what would work best for me.

Afshin Sajedi

CEO | Holiday Luxury

I love to share with you my experience with HT Coach Gerald Amandu. Coach Gerald is really a fun and awesome coach… he always has this high energy that I really love. Everytime I have a meeting with him, it gives me high energy! Coach Gerald really helped me a lot and went outside of my comfort zone... again and again. “Read a book at least twice”, “ Go through the modules multiple times”... he would say. I am so grateful that I listened to him. I will stay committed, coachable, resourceful and keep taking action. Thank you Coach Gerald.

Maurice Mertjoe

High Ticket Expert

I have just finished Module One. My Aha moments are having the right mindset, having high energy, and faith in my capability will attract success. I am more resolute in my determination to succeed more than ever. This is just the first module and I am already experiencing tremendous effects. What could the other modules be like!!! I am excited for the coaching of Gerald Amandu. My first encounter with him was very amazing. Very little time but lots of value. I am now working on my vision board. This is probably the best investment I have made for myself . I’m so thankful Dr. Gerald Amandu - Your Success Partner

Barbra Tabasan

Entrepreneur, Philippines

"Since the start of corona, I'm always blessed by a personal trainer. I feel like I've grown another one today. Got so caught up in one thing, Sometimes you can't see the whole thing. We need to do it on the business, not in the business. Thanks, my coach!"

Liping Feng

Entrepreneur, Japan

Nathan Tochilnikov


"I have spoken to Gerald Amandu once on zoom and he has left me with a life long valuable impression. I know you have come to a great place!"

"I have to say he is such an incredibly talented, amazing coach. He really helped me to become a better closer. I am very grateful to have worked with him during today’s challenging business climate and highly recommend his services to anyone who is looking to transform their career or business."

Annie Chen

High Ticket Expert, Hong Kong

Rafael Raposo

CEO, Nessparts, Dominican Republic

"Because of Coach Gerald's advise, our company (Ness Quality Parts) is not anymore a local company. We have expanded to a new market in another island and also to Central America. Our sales is also performing better, thank you Gerald and I hope we continue working together."

"Coach Shilpa's guidance has been transformative, providing clarity and a strategic approach to my goals. Her ability to dissect complex problems, create a clear vision, and implement data-driven strategies has elevated my business and personal life. Coach Shilpa's expertise is unparalleled, making her an essential partner for anyone aiming to reach their full potential."

Himanshu Brahme

Business Consultant, India

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